
I'm Obsessed

Cutest song ever.

Click here: Then-Brad Paisley

I don't know how to upload videos from youtube to blogger.. Sorry!


danielle said...

you just copy & past the code into the "edit HTML" box. You don't even wait for it to upload! p.s. i love this song too

Stu and Angie Milne said...

ah thanks dani!

Autumn Fauver said...

Omg best song ever! Isint Brad Paisley awesome? He writes the most amazing & real songs.

nate and amy crandell said...

this is why I only listen to country!! that is a very cute song!

Kelsey Stenquist said...

I love this song too!! I totally was wanting to put it on my blog. Its so stinken cute, and so true!

Taralynn and Kory said...

i am also obsessed!