
Dear house of our dreams,

Where are you? Stu and I have been looking for you for a little while now. A perfect little place to raise our rowdy boys in someday. I know you're out there somewhere. In fact, I've caught little glimpses of you in my dreams and you look a little like this... only MUCH less expensive. Alright, well feel free to show your face any time now, thanks.

Still Renting in Mesa

Yep, it's true! Stu and I are on the lookout for our first home! We are really excited and have toured a few already but haven't found anything that feels "right" for us quite yet.
We are so excited for this new adventure and can't wait to find the perfect place! It might be a couple months until we figure it out, so we've resigned our lease here for a few months! We're excited to have more time in this ward [that we LOVE] and be so close to our friends for a little while longer. So, I guess if you know of anything in your area and want some wicked awesome neighbors, let us know!


This sounds so good right now...

But I'm resisting the urge to crawl back into my warm little bed to work on some projects I have waiting for me on the balcony. I have this whole week off from work and I'm planning to take full advantage of it! Don't worry, I plan to do a fancy "before and after" post when I'm all done as proof that I really didn't doze the week away... Wish me luck!



I have a confession to make...

So the other night I drove around to four different grocery stores to get ingredients for dinner. One item seemed to be absent from every produce aisle. (curse you daikon radish) Normally, I would give up after the first store and look for a suitable substitute, but I was determined. It was dark, wet and windy outside and I was getting a little discouraged. I was ready to head home when I decided I'd try one more location. It was there that I did one thing that I have never done before, and I'm sure will never do again...

I parked in a reserved spot. On purpose.
Am I a horrible person?

In other news, I think I am all caught up in my blogging! I have completed what felt like a gazillion posts within the last two days so feel free to look back on them to see what we've been up to!


Phoenix Drying

Every Wednesday for the past few weeks, Stu's been playing football on a city league with his brother and friends. I've only been able to go when his games are later at night because of mutual, but it's been so fun to watch him play when I can! Their team is really good and even made it to play-offs again!

There's Stu on the end. It is so hard to get a picture of him, he's so fast!

Stu taking a little breather while sitting next to me :)

Ever since Stu and I started dating, he's been involved in some kind of sport. I love being able to support him and cheer him on from the sidelines. I love watching him play and I love that he has an outlet that makes him so happy!

Good luck in the play-offs guys!


Mr. Big Time

He did it! Stu is now a licensed agent! I am SO proud of him! He has worked so hard to get to this point; juggling school, work, church calling, a pretty demanding wife... I am so grateful to him and know he will be amazing!

Don't you just want to buy some properties from this guy?
Congrats Stu, you deserve it baby!


ringin in the new year

To be honest, I had a negative attitude going in to New Years Eve. Let me explain. Stu and I planned to go to the Fiesta Bowl block party down on Mill Ave to celebrate the new year and found out they were selling tickets at the grocery store. As we left, tickets in hand, I thought it would be fun to ride piggyback through the parking lot (I'm eight, I know). I quickly realized this was a bad idea as I lay on the asphalt while some Fry's value members called 911... I jumped a little too high and flipped over Stu's back and landed right on my head, ouch. Poor Stu was freaking out a little bit at this point. I was a tad bit mortified when an ambulance AND a fire truck ripped into the parking lot especially since I felt basically fine, minus the huge goose egg on my head. After getting hooked up to an EKG and refusing the stretcher for the ninth time, they finally let me go. So, yeah... Not too excited to party it up a few hours later.

But I'm so glad we kept to our original plan! After dinner with Kevin and Joann (and a couple extra strength Tylenol) we met up with Graf and Laurisa on Mill and had an awesome time!

Obviously only Laurisa and I got the scarf memo.

Yeah, we partied with Gene.
Ummm apparently this guy thought the building was his audience?

I love us :)

No, alcoholic beverages were not consumed.
So precious together :)

Bring it on 2010!