
A Glimpse into the Life of Ang and Stu...

Last night, before bed, Stu and I had a "deep" convo about how our life is going to change with this new semester. It ended and then went something like this...

me: "Why are you so perfect?"
goonie: "Nooo, I'm not perfect."
me: "Yes, you are."
goonie: "Correction: I have stinky toots."
me: "Perfectly stinky toots."
goonie: briefly ponders, "You are right. I am perfect."
laughter ensues...

There you have it ladies and gents,
I have the perfect husband.


Taralynn and Kory said...

love it! i've learned it's not too hard to convince husbands they're perfect!

Bev said...

you guys are so cute!

nate and amy crandell said...

hahaha! this is hilarious I wish Nate would let me post stories like this..oh the stories I could tell haha :)

Millers said...

haha that's super adorable! I love the "who's more perfect" conversations.

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