
A Heavenly Experience

Recognize these photos?

They are part of the amazing "Reflections of Christ" photo series done by Mark Mabry.

And guess WHAT?!!
My sister and I got to MEET him today!

Mark is has been working on another series about Christ in the Americas and he asked a couple weeks ago if we would take part in one of the shoots! Most of what he's doing will take place in Honduras, but he wanted some "darker" skinned men and women to be angels for some of the new scenes. Talk about awesome! (I never really thought of myself as darker, but I'm so glad I got to be a part of this!)

This is what the last angel scene looked like:

To get the angels to look all floaty last time they had a trampoline set up and he had everyone jump separately and pose in midair. Sounds easy right? NOT AT ALL. My sister and I were there with the group this morning and I was jumping around and diving onto my stomach (angelically, of course) I just hope that there was a good picture in there..

This is a picture of me from my camera, graceful right?

We don't know what he's going to end up using, just what works best with all the other pictures eventually, so hopefully they fit in with the others! Even though, I am just so glad I got to have this opportunity to meet him and to prepare myself spiritually to play the part of an angel. The "Reflections of Christ" photos have had such an impact on so many lives, even bringing some nonmembers to the church. So amazing.


nate and amy crandell said...

Angela that's awesome!! I love his work too we got his book with all his pictures in it for christmas and he signed it. He is so talented!

Anonymous said...

Mark and his wife and kids are so cute! They live in my home ward! He is so talented, but so humble about it. He always says he is grateful the Lord picked him to do this great work! Lucky you for getting to help out :)

Monica said...

That's so awesome!! I'm darker!!! I could of totally passed for a angel from Honduras!

Jamielyn said...

That is so fun you get to do that! I love the reflections of Christ. He does such a great job! He did my wedding picture and I LOVE them.