
I had a hard time stomaching the Oscars last night. Driving home from Stu's parents house, we talked a little bit about our feelings on the speeches that were given. I guess actors know how much clout they hold with the American public and some decided to use the Academy platform as a weapon against those opposing gay marriage. That's fine, everyone has a right to state their opinion, just as I am going to attempt to state mine..

I love this country. I love the freedoms that we have. I love that I have a right to believe and practice my religion. Although I may not agree with the way other people live, it is their right to live that way-just as it is my right to disagree with it. Maybe I'm a little EXTRA strong on this issue because I was just sealed to my wonderful husband less than two months ago and I can't picture it any other way, but I believe that "marriage" is between one man and one woman. This is one thing I hold sacred. This is how I KNOW God intended it to be. I also know that God intended that His children be happy and that we all love one another. I hope that no matter what we believe, we can show love to those around us always, no matter what they might believe.

I did not want my blog to become political, and I do not mean to offend anyone. If I did, I am sorry.


nate and amy crandell said...

Perfectly said. That made me sick too, it's just such a sad thing. I think people just need to hear the gospel and feel the REAL happiness that it brings.

Scott+Tiffany said...

Oh my gosh! I watched the Oscars too. that was sooo lame

Kelsey Stenquist said...

Haha isn't that video hilarious? Justin showed me it and I can't stop laughing everytime I watch it. But yeah, it was so fun seeing you too! And we definately need to get together soon. When ever you guys are free, let us know!

Britt Linde said...

I agree. The Oscars always get a political! Your opinion is a good one. Obviously I'm a little biased. But this gay marriageness is a problem. They have their freedom of speech, and we have ours!