Well here's the proposal story..
So Stu and I planned to go to the Kalai concert at Thanksgiving Point on Friday night (I was so excited, I LOVE Kalai and Thanksgiving Point is BEAUTIFUL. Plus Stu took me there for my birthday last year to see the tulips :) It was a great day) So he comes to pic me up looking seriously SO handsome and carrying a bouquet of tulips.. yellow ones, my favorite. Just so cute, but Stu is so sweet and he brings me flowers just randomly so I didn't put any extra thought into it. Then we left for dinner, Stu took us to the little restaurant that we went on our first date-Le Dolce Vita-which is amazing!
At this point I grew a little suspicious because I would have thought he would save that place for when he proposed, but he had told me earlier that the ring would take a couple more weeks and I didn't notice any box-like shapes in his pockets..
Anyway, we had so much fun being silly-like always.
We left for the Kalai concert and listened to the mix that Stu had made- that should have tipped me off too.. The concert was amazing!
After the concert, we decided to walk around by the waterfalls. We were pretty much alone because everyone was leaving through a different exit. We kind of had company a few times when some other groups of people decided to do the same thing we did.. Stu kept moving us along the path saying he wanted to be alone so he could smooch me hahahaaa. So we were still talking during all of this but he got pretty quiet after we'd been alone for like five minutes. (I guess he figured he was safe because no one had walked by in a while..) He dropped down to his knee and asked if I would make him "the happiest man... AWKWARD" Another guy happened to walk by at that same moment! hahahhaa oh it was so funny. I still didn't believe him because he had been tricking me all night with fake proposals but then he slipped something on my finger :) I just hit him ans called him a liar.. probably not the smoothest moment in our lives haha. But yes, a few minutes later I said YES!
I was so happy all I could do was laugh and cry and hug this boy. I love him so much and am so excited to get to spend the rest of eternity with him. I just can't wait. He is honestly the sweetest, kindest, bestest boy for me. I am the luckiest.